editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


What History Education Should Be About…
What History Education Should Be About…
Some progressive scholars, educators and policymakers acknowledge that history should not be perceived in the terms of national loyalty as conservative agenda wishes to do. What should be the main purpose of history education? The possible answer is: to develop critical thinking.
MonkeyParking and Tragedy of Commons
MonkeyParking and Tragedy of Commons
In case of San Francisco parking spaces, the city obviously rents out these spaces way below market price (or even free), which makes it financially interesting for (probably unemployed or underemployed) drivers to occupy them and sell them off for market rates.
Flat Tax: What Is Important And What Is Not
Flat Tax: What Is Important And What Is Not
The \"Flat Tax Era\" in Slovakia came to a definite end on 1st January 2013. Corporate tax rate of 23% (highest in the whole Central and East European Countries region by the way) became valid instead of the 19% rate. This was considered to be the last nail in the flat tax coffin.