editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


The Craft of “Seeing around the Corner“
Certainly, there is no need to agree with everything Connolly says. However, when thinking about what awaits us in the Euro area in the coming months and years, I listen to his opinion with much more respect than to the opinions of the prophets of unfounded optimism.
Ups and Downs
The Commission has published the first assessment of the national budgets for 2014. Only Germany and Estonia made the budget prospects flawless and deserve praise. Slovakia ended up in the third group.
Think Tank News
The coalition of many non-governmental and students organizations including members of 4liberty.eu network: Civil Development Forum, Liberté! and Project: Poland has launched the campaign against the nationalization of Polish pensions funds.
ECB Four-Flush
As we have mentioned many times, China is preparing to enter the world currencies sphere. One piece of evidence is its vast activities in currency swaps with many countries, or the alleged increase in their official gold holdings.