editorial partner: Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Think Tank News
Report: Liberal Social Policy Conference
The conference was a great opportunity to share the opinions in different areas of social policy between experts from different countries from Central and Eastern Europe. We hope that it also strengthened the tights between members of 4liberty.eu network.
Quo vadis, Pension System?
A major pension reform was approved in a fast track procedure. The expense of this fast track procedure was not only the violation of legislative rules by the new parliament and government, but also lack of understanding of the long-term impact of this reform.
Proselytism, Democratism and Other Enemies
Legal regulations concerning axiological choices made by individuals in their private or intimate spheres, formed on the basis of the expectations and awareness of the democratic majority, are essentially deprived of legitimization and are not acceptable within the scope of prohibitions and restrictions they introduce.