The November issue of the Newsletter provides an overview of the articles published on the website, serving as a starting point for further exploration.
IME: Unlocking Growth in Bulgaria: Medium-Term Goals After Election
In November, the Institute for Market Economics’ (IME) introduced its White Paper, Unlocking Growth: The Path Forward After the Elections. But what are the goals we can realistically achieve in the medium term?
Dobroslawa Gogloza (Liberte!): Economy of Aid: How Sharing Multiplies Goodness
Natural disasters have a remarkable ability to expose both the weaknesses of systems and the depths of human nature. The recent floods in Poland not only destroyed homes and infrastructure but also revealed something far more valuable: society’s ability to mobilize and provide aid on an unprecedented scale. In a digital age dominated by social media and technology, solidarity has found new channels of expression.
INESS: How Russian Economy Is (Not) Doing Well
Russia’s economic policy is schizophrenic, with the government stepping sharply on the monetary brake with one foot and on the fiscal accelerator with the other. Yes, higher interest costs will make credit more expensive and will curb consumption and investment. But at the same time, the government is directing large amounts of budgetary resources either to the purchase of arms, which is a fiscal stimulus for industry, or, through recruitment allowances, wages, and death allowances, directly into the hands of the population, thereby stimulating demand.
Silvia Nadjivan (Projekt Polska): Against Russian Infiltration of European Democracy
Many people still do not seem to be aware of the Putin regime’s perfidious hybrid warfare against liberal democracy and the rule of law in Europe. It is therefore all the more important to talk about it publicly in order to fight against it.
Liberte! & ELF: 2024 U.S. Presidential Election with Garvan Walshe [PODCAST]
What are the reasons for Donald Trump’s victory? What mistakes did the Democrats make? What will be the consequences of the U.S. presidential election for Europe and its strategic autonomy? And what strategy should liberals adopt against populists? Leszek Jazdzewski (Fundacja Liberte!) talks with Garvan Walshe, a political strategist and entrepreneur. He is the founder of the pro-democracy AI company Article7 Strategies and co-founder of Unhack Democracy, which works to build an entrepreneurial civil society in Central and Eastern Europe.
Continue exploring:
Bulgarian Parliament Should Revise Spending Decisions to Avoid Blowing up Budget
From Warsaw City Hall to Presidential Palace? We Know Donald Tusk’s Candidate for Polish Presidency