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The justice debate is all around us: sometimes it is about justice, sometimes about social justice. But no matter which term is used, the focus always appears to be the same: social justice in our society. A second, closer look shows which...


Too easy to be true

Too easy to be true

This week the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released the third and final section of its massive new climate report Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change (WGIII). Without the least delay newspapers boasted that the...


To NEET or not to NEET?

To NEET or not to NEET?

In September 2013, 5,584,000 young Europeans (aged 15-29 years old) were unemployed. Looking at the national figures, some statistics seem particularly desperate. In Spain and in Greece, the figures respectively reached 56.5% and 57.3% in July...


Photo Gallery: “Faces of Euroscepticism” Conference April 16, 2014, Warsaw

Photo Gallery: “Faces of Euroscepticism” Conference April 16, 2014, Warsaw

On April 16, 2014 in the House of Literature in Warsaw, European Liberal Forum, Republikon Institute and Fundacja Industrial (“Liberté!”, 4liberty.eu) held a conference organized within the cycle of meetings dedicated to the memory of Bronislaw...


The Land of Our Fathers

The Land of Our Fathers

In Slovakia, there is a bill restricting landowners’ property rights on the table. Like elsewhere in the EU, we are also worried about our food. Foreigners, however, are the least of a problem for the Slovak agriculture. On May 1, 2014, the...


Deflation is Evil!

Deflation is Evil!

Convincing people that dropping prices put them in harm’s way is a marketing bête noire on a par with electing a diehard intellectual to the office of president. But politicians and their financiers have managed just that. Perceiving deflation...


Two Steps Towards a More Liberal and Accountable Europe – a Response to Dahrendorf’s Warnings

Two Steps Towards a More Liberal and Accountable Europe – a Response to Dahrendorf’s Warnings

In order to tackle the fundamental questions regarding the Union’s institutions, it is important to look at the situation that the European Union is in today, which is one of multiple challenges, many of which are interconnected. First and...


Three Steps Towards Europe

Three Steps Towards Europe

On May 1st, 2004, right before the centennial of the first Young Estonia almanac, Estonia became a fully-fledged member of the European Union. Gustav Suits, a poet, had once famously called upon the readers of the almanac by saying, “Let us...


Free the European Defence Market

Free the European Defence Market

“It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.” (Smith, 2010: 22) Thus, Adam Smith described the nature of markets in his Wealth of...


Is It Possible To Reindustrialise Europe?

Is It Possible To Reindustrialise Europe?

Back in late 2012, the European Commission put forward the notion of reindustrializing Europe. The main goal of that policy is to increase the industrial sector’s share in the European economy from 15.6% in 2012 to 20% in 2020. The target...


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