Is the last fortification falling down? Spain used backup. American debt can ask for a driving license. And Bulgarians are ungrateful.
Silly season ended in a big style. ECB decided on its meeting last week to resurrect the program of purchasing...
September 13, 2012 10:44 am / 1 comment
In our today’s trips around the Mediterranean we can watch how Greeks try to sell, Spaniards try to borrow and Italians try to stay inconspicuous. We will also have a look at the French lion and the British bulldog.
„If the leaders of...
July 24, 2012 12:45 pm / 12 comments
Is destabilization of the EU really the only alternative? German constitutional court takes its time. The state won’t allow any competition in manipulating interest rates. Many Spaniards have put all the eggs in one basket, which is currently...
July 18, 2012 11:10 am / no comments
Who wants to be Minister of Finance of Greece should report to the director. Everyone in ECB was following football, players used as a collateral were playing. Will ESM turn into European zombie banks hedge fund? Will ESM run out of resources...
July 6, 2012 1:52 pm / 6 comments
Golden goal in Spanish net. Spain (unfortunately) is not Uganda! What level of interest rate Italian debt has to reach so Europe would decide to help them? Penalties and expropriations for layoffs –labour market reform done in a French way....
June 21, 2012 11:51 am / 16 comments
France makes promises and Commission is happy. Will Spain get gifts during the weekend? Be careful about your language, there is always somebody listening. Is euro a dogma? Will it rain dollars or are we facing a dry summer? Silvio is joking ...
June 14, 2012 12:04 pm / no comments