editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


FMRS Report: The World after Brexit and Trump
Think Tank News
FMRS Report: The World after Brexit and Trump
On April 28, 2017, INESS in cooperation with Austrian Economics Center organized in Slovakia Free Market Road Show, a part of a series of conferences and panel discussions that tours all over Europe – from Scandinavia to Montenegro, from Spain to Ukraine. Over 400 experts participate overall, presenting aspects of key economic questions in 45 cities, involving the audience in a vital discussion on economic and public policy questions.
Apply for Think Tank Fundraiser Summit
Think Tank News
Apply for Think Tank Fundraiser Summit
LFMI and Atlas Network are inviting you to spend two days discussing how to best attract more financial resources for the European liberty movement. This summit will feature eight discussion sessions on fundraising models, practices, and looming trends for the exchange of ideas among think tank CEOs and professionals from across Europe.
INVITATION: 2016 World Economic Freedom Annual Conference
Think Tank News
INVITATION: 2016 World Economic Freedom Annual Conference
This year\'s World Economic Freedom annual conference with a theme “Which Way to the Economic Freedom Revolution?” will be held on September 3-5 at Lake Bled in Slovenia. 4Liberty members are invited to submit papers on a visible increase of economic freedom in their country, or in a certain group of countries, and to analyze consequences that will follow
The 2016 Free Market Road Show in Bratislava
Think Tank News
The 2016 Free Market Road Show in Bratislava
An international conference Free Market Road Show organized by INESS in cooperation with Austrian Economics Center was held in Bratislava at the Hotel Tatra on March 11, 2016. The Bratislava Free Market Road Show is a part of a unique conference tour which takes place in 45 cities of Europe and Caucasus from March to April every year.