editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Is Inflation Inevitable?
Is Inflation Inevitable?
Price inflation is not inevitable. One of the most common explanations for price growth is identifying it with capitalism. The argument is that inflation is unavoidable as the economy grows. It is thought that for businesses to have an incentive to invest and wages to grow, the prices of goods and services should rise in the first place.
Is Money, Money?
Is Money, Money?
Every individual earns money for living somehow. The society agreed that the government is needed and this means we should pay money for their service, and we call it taxes. We may not like paying taxes, but we understand the need for the government to exist.
National Currency Is Not Like a Bike Gear
National Currency Is Not Like a Bike Gear
For Poland, introducing euro is, strategically, a very important step. The discussion (so far only theoretical) is conducted in two areas. First, a political debate is devoted to the direction of our integration. There is, however, a second debate – a strictly economic one.
European Parliament Debates Bitcoin
European Parliament Debates Bitcoin
The last couple of weeks bore witness to some interesting news. Headlines generated from ranks of the European Union were complemented by updates from the realm of new technologies and applications continuously on a crusade of further progress and development even in the world of virtual currencies.
Bright Future of the Bitcoin
Bright Future of the Bitcoin
During the past few weeks nothing really new occurred in cryptocurrency’s world. The last two weeks, however, have already brought a change. The discussion related to Mike Hearns’s exit about the future of Bitcoin lead by important developers from the community is contributing to this change.