editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Ukraine in 2024: Year of Challenges and Adjustments
Ukraine in 2024: Year of Challenges and Adjustments
At the outset of 2024, many economic projections assumed the war in Ukraine would conclude within the year. However, reality defied expectations. The war persisted, bringing new challenges, including territorial losses, large-scale infrastructure destruction, and sustained Russian attacks on Ukraine’s energy grid. The Government faced the pressing need to secure funding for the war effort and mobilize additional defense forces.
Energy Crisis: How to Turn Off Heating for Bureaucracy?
Energy Crisis: How to Turn Off Heating for Bureaucracy?
Some time ago, the Lithuanian Ministry of Energy issued recommendations for the public sector, households, and businesses on how to save energy. The recommendation was to disconnect hot water in administrative premises and reduce heating to 19 degrees and cooling to 27 degrees. They also advised public officials to work from home.
Are Energy Prices Main Reason for Difference in Inflation between Poland and Other EU Countries?
Are Energy Prices Main Reason for Difference in Inflation between Poland and Other EU Countries?
Along with the increase of inflation in Poland and in the whole world, the discussion about its causes intensifies. There are many voices that the main reason is an external supply shock - the prices of energy and food. It is useful, in the analysis, to distinguish within CPI inflation, a core inflation and the rest of it. Core inflation is an inflation rate that is devoid of the most unstable components such as food and energy prices.