editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Privatization: New Government Follows Path of Law And Justice
Privatization: New Government Follows Path of Law And Justice
One of the most frequently repeated electoral promises of the Civic Coalition and the Third Way in the parliamentary elections was the \"depoliticization of state-owned enterprises.\" This pledge was reflected in point 13 of the coalition agreement from November 10, 2023, which states, \"One of the coalition\'s priorities will be the depoliticization of state-owned companies by introducing clear recruitment criteria for managerial positions.\"[1]
Ukraine: Willingness for Freedom Is More Substantial than Darkness
Ukraine: Willingness for Freedom Is More Substantial than Darkness
Millions of people and thousands of businesses in Ukraine remain without electricity every day due to damage to infrastructure damage caused by Russian shelling. For two months in a row, the Russian Federation has been launching rocket attacks on the civilian infrastructure of Ukraine every week. The target of this damage was the network of substations and transformers that provide electricity transmission from generating plants.