editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Regional Differences in Bulgaria and the EU Countries
Regional Differences in Bulgaria and the EU Countries
Bulgaria is by far not the only country where regional differences are not only significant, but are also becoming greater. There are basically no countries which manage to simultaneously increase the wealth in their poorest and richest regions, while at the same time achieving a meaningful internal convergence.
Hong Kong and Switzerland Top the Charts in Human Freedom Index 2016
Politics, Society
Hong Kong and Switzerland Top the Charts in Human Freedom Index 2016
“As nationalism, authoritarianism, and populism strengthen in many countries around the world, it is becoming more important than ever to measure human freedom and the central role it plays in human progress”, said Vasquez. “The declining performance of the United States, once considered the bastion of liberty, is worrisome”.
Why Is Populism Spreading Across Europe?
Why Is Populism Spreading Across Europe?
We could say that populism is a natural effect of the lack of democratic accountability. If the promises and values which are at the heart of a democratic system seem to be broken by the established parties in power, here come the new movements, yelling against old politicians who betrayed their people, and promising to change the corrupted system, if they are elected.
#4discussion: Sharing Economy
#4discussion: Sharing Economy
We have the pleasure to present you the third round of 4discussion devoted to sharing economy. See what do Dita Charanzová, Kalle Palling, Marek Harbulak and Róbert Chovančuliak say on the topic and feel free to comment on that!
Is Europe a Good Place for Doing Business?
Is Europe a Good Place for Doing Business?
If the needs of economy are long ignored, the ability to create resources necessary for maintaining or even improving our standards of living will be lost. The politicians – whether the ones in Slovakia, in foreign countries or in institutions of EU – should finally acknowledge several basic priorities vital for business.
How to Create A Silicon Valley In Poland
How to Create A Silicon Valley In Poland
To create Silicon Valleys in Poland and Europe, recognize that they cannot be designed and that the winners and losers they comprise cannot be predicted. Especially by governments. Focus instead on creating the right climate and environment: attractive taxes and unobtrusive regulation. Trust in freedom and free markets.