May 1, 2014 – A new recast of the Law on the Acquisition of Agricultural Land in the Republic of Lithuania1 (hereinafter referred to as “LAAL”), also known as the land “safeguards” law, has taken effect. The law stipulates provisions that limit the right to freely operate in the agricultural market by restricting agricultural land purchase and sale transactions.

My, niżej podpisani przedstawiciele czternastu think tanków z ośmiu państw Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, będący członkami sieci, wzywamy przedstawicieli Komisji Europejskiej, Parlamentu Europejskiego oraz parlamentów narodowych do podjęcia decyzji opartej na rzeczowych dowodach ekonomicznych popartych badaniami i przyjęcia TTIP oraz wszystkich jego elementów, włącznie z mechanizmem ISDS.

We have the pleasure the present you the second of the series of our policy papers that we will be publishing in the near future. The publication discusses the issue of Gold-plating – the process where an EU directive is given additional powers when being transposed into the national laws of member states. Enjoy your reading!