editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


EU Money Gone to Waste in Hungary
Economy, Politics
EU Money Gone to Waste in Hungary
With a new scandal involving extensive corruption the country is alienating the countries of the West and as much as Prime Minister Orbán wants to follow Putin’s footsteps, the question is whether there would be any country left which would take Hungary seriously?
Work Capacity Reform Approaches Estonia
Work Capacity Reform Approaches Estonia
Estonia is about to undergo a work capacity reform which will establish a new system to support capacity for work. The aim of the changes is to shift the attitude towards people with reduced work capacity and help them find and keep jobs.
The 2014 Liberty Camp
Think Tank News
The 2014 Liberty Camp
INESS in collaboration with the American Language of Liberty Institute (LLI) and Czech branch of Students for Liberty (SFL CZ) organized the eighth consecutive international educational event, the 2014 Liberty Camp.