editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Ukraine in 2024: Year of Challenges and Adjustments
Ukraine in 2024: Year of Challenges and Adjustments
At the outset of 2024, many economic projections assumed the war in Ukraine would conclude within the year. However, reality defied expectations. The war persisted, bringing new challenges, including territorial losses, large-scale infrastructure destruction, and sustained Russian attacks on Ukraine’s energy grid. The Government faced the pressing need to secure funding for the war effort and mobilize additional defense forces.
Is Inflation Inevitable?
Is Inflation Inevitable?
Price inflation is not inevitable. One of the most common explanations for price growth is identifying it with capitalism. The argument is that inflation is unavoidable as the economy grows. It is thought that for businesses to have an incentive to invest and wages to grow, the prices of goods and services should rise in the first place.
ECB Cuts Rates Further: Inflation-Suppressing Factor Fades into Oblivion 
ECB Cuts Rates Further: Inflation-Suppressing Factor Fades into Oblivion 
In its third consecutive meeting, the Governing Council of the European Central Bank (ECB) cut all three key interest rates as expected by a quarter of a percentage point. They are now in a range of 3.00%-3.40%. Although before the announcement of the decision, there were some speculations that monetary policymakers might resort to a more rapid easing, the gradual tapering path ultimately prevailed.
Despite Challenges, Incomes in Estonia Are Rising
Despite Challenges, Incomes in Estonia Are Rising
The Estonian economy is showing green shoots of recovery again, and people\'s real purchasing power has risen since June of last year. These are the words of the Minister of Economic Affairs and IT Erkki Keldo . He also added that wages have also been outpacing inflation. Speaking to \"Esimene stuudio,\" Keldo noted that people\'s real purchasing power has been increasing since June of last year.
Origin of High Inflation Rate in The Czech Republic
Origin of High Inflation Rate in The Czech Republic
High inflation has long been the most serious macroeconomic challenge our country has faced in recent years. It was far from being only economists who identified deep price instability as a major problem, as the wider public viewed the extraordinary rise in most prices in the economy with equal reluctance.
Bulgaria’s New Minimum Wage Mechanism Needs Urgent Repair
Bulgaria’s New Minimum Wage Mechanism Needs Urgent Repair
At the end of last week, the current proposal for changing the minimum wage level was published. It is interesting for several reasons, mainly because, for the first time, the new mechanism for determining the minimum wage is applied, linking it to the dynamics of the average wage. This, in the context of high inflation and the subsequent rapid growth of wages, leads to its largest nominal increase in the last two decades.
ECB Halts Rate Hikes: Quantitative Tightening Is Needed
ECB Halts Rate Hikes: Quantitative Tightening Is Needed
The European Central Bank (ECB) has increased its base interest rates ten times before announcing a pause. During the October meeting, the Governing Council of this financial institution, which met in Athens, decided to halt the record-fast cycle of interest rate hikes. For many borrowers, the most pressing question is, \"When will the reduction begin?\" However, it is also worth considering the question of quantitative tightening.
What Monetary Policy Changes Caused General Price Increase?
What Monetary Policy Changes Caused General Price Increase?
The wave of inflation that evolved after the pandemic suggests that increasing the quantity of money does not necessarily lead to economic prosperity. Typically, as the prices of some goods rise, the prices of other goods fall. However, the euro area faced a rapid general price increase. This paper examines the factors behind this growth in prices.
Central Bankers, Remember Copernicus
Central Bankers, Remember Copernicus
The work and ideas of the Polish astronomer, mathematician, and economist Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) are worth studying, not only for those who still believe that the Earth is flat but also for anyone interested in intellectual revolutions. Among his achievements is the identification of the real causes of inflation, which has been no less of an intellectual revolution. Copernicus challenged the prevailing idea that our planet was the center of the universe.
The Biggest Challenge for Poland Is Fight against Inflation
The Biggest Challenge for Poland Is Fight against Inflation
The International Monetary Fund\'s mission carried out an assessment in Warsaw on 14-24 March under Art. IV of the of the IMF Articles of Agreement. The mission pointed to the most important problems of the Polish economy and presented related recommendations. The Fund\'s delegation pointed out that the most important challenge is to bring inflation down to the target (which upper band of deviations is 3.5%). Therefore, it becomes necessary to tighten fiscal policy this year.