editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


First Low Inflation, Then Cheap Loans
First Low Inflation, Then Cheap Loans
The ongoing election campaign has become an opportunity for political parties to present populist solutions to problems that are not always real. One theme are the seemingly high mortgage rates. In reality, however, rates are much lower than the current and projected increase in prices and wages, which means that the burden on debtors would decrease even if they would not pay their instalments and the interest would increase their debt.
What Does Word Inflation Really Mean?
What Does Word Inflation Really Mean?
In light of record-high price rises, inflation is a term that comes up a lot. For a long period of time, it had a slightly different meaning. Inflation was primarily used to describe a rapid increase in the quantity of money. It is not difficult to understand the link between money and prices.
Ukraine’s Economy: Current Situation and Challenges
Ukraine’s Economy: Current Situation and Challenges
Ukraine has introduced numerous reforms between 2014-2019, which support macro-financial sustainability of the country. As a result, even during COVID-19, Ukraine went stronger with debt-to-GDP ratio at about 50%, sound banking system, improved corporate governance and higher openness and transparency. This helped Ukraine to remain resilient since the beginning of full-scale invasion by Russia.
Are Energy Prices Main Reason for Difference in Inflation between Poland and Other EU Countries?
Are Energy Prices Main Reason for Difference in Inflation between Poland and Other EU Countries?
Along with the increase of inflation in Poland and in the whole world, the discussion about its causes intensifies. There are many voices that the main reason is an external supply shock - the prices of energy and food. It is useful, in the analysis, to distinguish within CPI inflation, a core inflation and the rest of it. Core inflation is an inflation rate that is devoid of the most unstable components such as food and energy prices.