editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


1989 – Beginning of 35 Years of Liberal Transformation
1989 – Beginning of 35 Years of Liberal Transformation
On June 4 and 18, 1989, partially free elections for the Sejm and fully free elections for the reconstituted Senate were held in Poland. As a result of these elections, a democratic political system was established, and decisive economic reforms were initiated between 1989 and 1990, which included stabilization and free-market changes. Poland was the first socialist country to begin departing from the system imposed by force, which was flawed.
What Determines Your Views?
Think Tank News
What Determines Your Views?
In July, the Polish Political Science Yearbook published an article \"Liberals Among Us\", which examines the structure and determinants of liberal attitudes in Poland. The article is based on research supported by the Economic Freedom Foundation. Why do some people support liberal ideas, while others are their fierce opponents?
Society of Myths
Society of Myths
\"In what myth does a man live nowadays? (...) What is your myth – the myth in which you do live?\" – once asked Carl Jung. The answer that I/we live in a story probably would not satisfy the master, but... for now, I have no other. They lead us through life from event to event, interweaving between what is important to us, edifying or ruinous; between moments when we wonder who and what we are for; when we choose the direction we decide to go.
Heartless Liberalism
Heartless Liberalism
More and more people claim that liberalism has lost its power and influence over people. It has become entangled in futile discussions, whereas it should set the tone and provide solutions to our current challenges. As a result, it has betrayed the trust of people who see neither the courage of thought nor the consistency of action. How can this situation be changed?
Javier Milei – Savior or Threat? [EVENT]
Think Tank News
Javier Milei – Savior or Threat? [EVENT]
Javier Milei’s victory in the Argentinian presidential elections surprised the world and at the same time inspired a wave of interest in this South American country, about which not much is known in the Czech Republic or Europe in general. What was the political and economic situation in Argentina in recent years that allowed someone with such radical proposals to be elected President, while acting more like a carnival entertainer than a politician?
Liberal Institute’s First Winter School
Think Tank News
Liberal Institute’s First Winter School
In order to survive the winter better, we decided to try something new this time, a weekend-long urban seminar. We debated with students about economics and liberalism. We were originally inspired to do this idea years ago by an analyst at the Institute of Economic Affairs, but we never got around to implementing it. Until now, thanks to a generous grant from the Atlas Network.
Reviving Classical Liberalism Against Populism
Think Tank News
Reviving Classical Liberalism Against Populism
Populism poses a threat to liberty, free markets, and open society on all continents. How can this development be explained and what can be done about it? These are the two first sentences of the new book written by Nils Karlson titled \"Reviving Classical Liberalism Against Populism\".