editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Marek Belka

Think Tank News
Week of Freedom in Lodz
Among our guests You was able to find: the president of National Bank of Poland prof. Marek Belka, journalists and editor in chiefs of leading medias in Poland: Adam Michnik from Gazeta Wyborcza, Bogusław Chrabota from Rzeczpospolita, Jarosław Gugała from Polsat and Jacek Żakowski from TOK FM.
Fiat Euro! 13/2012
Fiat Euro! 13/2012
Why the zombie banks aren’t stressed by stress testing, about Austrian Japanese, and about how difficult life the Spanish banks and especially Spanish bankers have. And that Trichet, even though he uses bad economic theories and non- functioning economic models, doesn’t regret anything. When it comes to solving the crisis in Europe, many people use […]