editorial partner: Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Duo of Science and Activism
Duo of Science and Activism
The next COP27 Climate Summit was held in Egypt. The very choice of Egypt as a country of the COP27 Presidency was strongly criticised by the communities involved in human rights activities. The consequences of the climate crisis are increasingly being felt around the world; droughts, violent weather events, food security threats, and climate migration pose new challenges to an old unresolved problematic and ineffective world strategy.
Discrimination against LGBTIQ Community in Hungary
Discrimination against LGBTIQ Community in Hungary
In recent years, the LGBTIQ community in Hungary has suffered a great deal of discrimination as a result of governmental policies. Until recently the peak of this discriminatory wave against the above-mentioned minority group could be considered to be the law passed in December 2020 that ensures that only married couples are allowed to adopt children, apart from well-based exceptions.
Using Enemies as an Opportunity
Using Enemies as an Opportunity
Those who want to stop populists need to learn how to plan strategically, set aside fantasies, and see the cold reality. They need to be proactive rather than reactive, preventively tackling the propaganda of the populists. Only when the strategic goals are achieved, should they feel good about themselves.
Hungarian Civility
Think Tank News
Hungarian Civility
With no independent media, no checks and balances, no civil oversight, one of the most corrupt governments in the EU can expand on its already immense powers and get even closer to Putin’s Russia. But it is not too late to act and save what remains of civil society in Hungary.
Briefing Paper on the EU Agenda “Better Regulation for Better Results”
Policy Papers
Briefing Paper on the EU Agenda “Better Regulation for Better Results”
The objective of this paper is to comment on the “Better regulation for better results - An EU agenda” from May 19, 2015 (hereinafter – EU BR Agenda) in a broader context. The EU BR Agenda confirms the existing schemes and frameworks of EU Better Regulation policy, expresses a firm political commitment to continue efforts in this regard, and embraces evolutional – not revolutionary – novelties.
Not So Civil Hungary
Not So Civil Hungary
The strength of civil movements shows how healthy a society is. NGOs matter for the state, because they can shape public opinion and provide valuable research to politicians.