editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Ongoing Echoes of Polish Political Earthquake
Ongoing Echoes of Polish Political Earthquake
In recent days, the media in Poland have been dominated by information about the dispute over the election subsidy for Law and Justice (PiS), as well as the intense actions of the new government aimed at addressing the abuses of the United Right authorities. The awaited decisions by the National Electoral Commission and the arrest of former Deputy Minister of Justice Marcin Romanowski are the main topics captivating public opinion.
Society of Myths
Society of Myths
\"In what myth does a man live nowadays? (...) What is your myth – the myth in which you do live?\" – once asked Carl Jung. The answer that I/we live in a story probably would not satisfy the master, but... for now, I have no other. They lead us through life from event to event, interweaving between what is important to us, edifying or ruinous; between moments when we wonder who and what we are for; when we choose the direction we decide to go.
What to Do Next with Public Media in Poland?
What to Do Next with Public Media in Poland?
Since the systemic transformation in Poland in 1989, public media have varied in the intensity of presenting the ruling camp\'s viewpoint while simultaneously allowing opposing narratives. However, since the Law and Justice Party (PiS) took power in 2015, the media have fully become a propaganda tool for the government, thus reverting to their worst traditions from the People\'s Republic of Poland (PRL) era.
June 4, 1989, Elections: Beginning of 35 Years of Liberal Transformation
June 4, 1989, Elections: Beginning of 35 Years of Liberal Transformation
On June 4 and 18, 1989, partially free elections for the Sejm and fully free elections for the reconstituted Senate were held in Poland. As a result of these elections, a democratic political system was established, and decisive economic reforms were initiated between 1989 and 1990, which included stabilization and free-market changes. Poland was the first socialist country to begin departing from the system imposed by force, which was flawed.
Is Health Commodity? How to Organize the Health Care System?
Think Tank News
Is Health Commodity? How to Organize the Health Care System?
Michael F. Cannon, director of health policy research at the Cato Institute, will visit Poland on 5 and 6 June. His scholarly activities include public health issues, regulation of physicians, medical facilities, pharmaceuticals and medical devices, employer-sponsored and other private health insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, Veterans Health Administration, medical malpractice litigation, administrative law, international health systems, and much more.
Poland at Single Market: Benefits, Barriers, Reforms
Poland at Single Market: Benefits, Barriers, Reforms
The twentieth anniversary of the entry of Poland and nine other countries into the European Union is a good time to remind ourselves of the benefits associated with this. In the Economic Freedom Foundation\'s report, we focus on what is most important for the Polish and EU economies – the Single Market. More than thirty years since its creation, it can be considered a great achievement and the foundation of European economic development.
Migration Crisis in V4: Discourse and Policies
Migration Crisis in V4: Discourse and Policies
After the rising number of immigrants in 2015, the implementation of the Common European Asylum System became a priority for EU member states. Nevertheless, it has been documented by many studies that the V4 group countries drifted away from these intentions. During 2016, the members of the Visegrad group worked together as a united bloc on migration issues in Brussels.