editorial partner: Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


J-C And His Team
J-C And His Team
Six years in Spain mean six years of falling real estate prices. If you invested in the average Spanish house in 2008, today you have 35% loss on your investment.
On July 24, the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg pronounced a verdict on the treatment of two former prisoners of the clandestine and illegal prison established in the years 2002-2003 on Polish territory by CIA with the permission of the Polish authorities of that time.
Join Us on the Freedom Games 2014
Think Tank News
Join Us on the Freedom Games 2014
25th anniversary of July, 4 1989 will definitely result in many commemorative addresses and summaries. We, however, people not much older than the 3rd Republic of Poland, linked to the Liberté! magazin circle, would like to take this opportunity to reflect on the challenges we might face in the future and to make this at the same time a joyful celebration of Polish freedom. Therefore we have decided to organize Freedom Games.