editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Polish Lemmings Are Pissed Off
Polish Lemmings Are Pissed Off
The mass scale of the social response to what Law and Justice is doing, the Committee for the Defence of Democracy, which within two days gathered over 30,000 supporters may be just a preview of a massive political force that shall defend the rule of law, its sense of belonging to Europe and liberal democracy which it deems indispensable, or even \'holy\'.
Assault on Polish Constitutinal Tribunal
Assault on Polish Constitutinal Tribunal
Parliamentary sessions (both of the Sejm and the Senate) held at night. Extreme pace and we\'ve got ourselves a new act on the Constitutional Tribunal – an act to which as a pretext served, unfortunately, the previous majority appointing five and not three Constitutional Tribunal judges.
.Modern Polish Political Polarization
.Modern Polish Political Polarization
Nowoczesna is a party of the responsibility for the public finances, of the sensible management of the resources – a party that promotes entrepreneurial spirit, creativity, innovativeness and free market. It is a clear antithesis of the vision of Law and Justice – which Civic Platform clearly is not.
How Bulgaria’s Fiscal Position Went All Wrong
How Bulgaria’s Fiscal Position Went All Wrong
Although Bulgaria has officially been in a budgetary consolidation phase during the entire 2013-2015 period, public expenditure went out of control on several occasions. Yet again the newly presented medium-term budget framework provides for decreasing deficits, while current expenditures (and thus deficits) are being hiked.
Promoting Virtue
Economy, Politics
Promoting Virtue
In considering the extent to which the state should be relied upon to promote social cohesion and virtue, one must keep in mind the potential associated pitfalls as well as the other possible means to accomplish the same desired ends.
USA and Hungary: Strained Relations
USA and Hungary: Strained Relations
On October 28, Colleen Bell, American ambassador to Hungary, pointed out the dire political and social problems Hungary faces today – problems it must solve. The speech, delivered at a university in Budapest, is not the first criticism Hungary received from its Western ally.