editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


It Is Time for Guaranteed Minimum Reform in Bulgaria
It Is Time for Guaranteed Minimum Reform in Bulgaria
Just a few weeks ago IME presented the main challenges to social protection faced by Bulgaria in the post-pandemic period. One of the key takeaways was that Bulgarian social policy is unfocused, ineffective and that it flat out fails to address poverty and inequality. While such issues are mainly solved through economic recovery, new jobs and wage growth, the role of social policy should be focused as much as possible on those most in need.
Giving EU-GCC Trade Relations Chance
Giving EU-GCC Trade Relations Chance
Oman started 2020 off on the right foot when it comes to economic freedom. A new Foreign Capital Investment Law (FCIL) came into force to visibly lower barriers to foreign investment in the Sultanate. The crucial change is that 100% foreign ownership is now possible in Oman.
Less Poverty or More Inequality?
Less Poverty or More Inequality?
Although we must admit the existence of inequality, why do we get so irritated by it? What is that 16-year-old missing to understand? It is the knowledge that inequality isn’t caused by someone biting a bigger chunk off a single global pie.
Economic Freedom Against Poverty and Authoritarianism
Economic Freedom Against Poverty and Authoritarianism
We sometimes hear that the only type of liberalism we need today is “political liberalism” while classical liberal ideas in the economy can be neglected. The view that we need only political freedom, without a broad range of economic freedoms, is not isolated and requires a response.
Terrorism, Poverty & Economics
Economy, Politics
Terrorism, Poverty & Economics
With the increasing number of terrorist attacks in Europe passionate debates all around in the ether picked up in pace, scrutinizing a range of complementary topics – from the circumstances of individual attacks, sources and causes of terrorism to distinct analyses of motives presumably prompting terrorists to carry out their disdainful acts of violence.