editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


James Bond: No Time to Make Sense
James Bond: No Time to Make Sense
The final instalment of Daniel Craig’s James Bond is finally in the cinemas but I had no high hopes for it given the plot-hole riddled previous movies. No Time to Die added to the pile of rubbish that was Spectre. Liberals, though, can learn from its mistakes. Beware, spoilers galore!
Conflict over Ryanair in Ukraine: Questions Without Clear Answers
Conflict over Ryanair in Ukraine: Questions Without Clear Answers
On July 10, 2017, Ryanair, the largest low-cost airline in Europe, announced that it cancels its plans to enter Ukraine due to the failure to sign the contract with Boryspil airport. The decision was a negative blow to the image of Ukraine, which tries to prove that the country is open and friendly to foreign investors.