editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


REVIEW #4 Editorial: The Frames We Fall Into
Review #4
REVIEW #4 Editorial: The Frames We Fall Into
Ne te quaesiveris extra, the golden rule of Ralph Waldo Emerson, seems to have recently backfired. Central Estern European authorities have internalised it to such an extent that they rarely listen to any arguments coming from others. This tendcency to “trust thyself” plays well into the hands of populists who have no problem with exploiting it to the fullest.
REVIEW #4: Radicalism in Hungary of Today
Review #4
REVIEW #4: Radicalism in Hungary of Today
The present day Hungarian radicalism is a topic worth investigating as it is often featured in the media, it frequently enters everyday conversations as well as expert debates. However, we do not even have a clear definition of the word “radicals” as it carries different connotations for different individuals.