editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Ukraine in 2024: Year of Challenges and Adjustments
Ukraine in 2024: Year of Challenges and Adjustments
At the outset of 2024, many economic projections assumed the war in Ukraine would conclude within the year. However, reality defied expectations. The war persisted, bringing new challenges, including territorial losses, large-scale infrastructure destruction, and sustained Russian attacks on Ukraine’s energy grid. The Government faced the pressing need to secure funding for the war effort and mobilize additional defense forces.
How to Strengthen Poland’s Post-Pandemic Recovery?
How to Strengthen Poland’s Post-Pandemic Recovery?
The COVID-19 pandemic was accompanied by unprecedented state interventions – from restrictions on basic individual freedoms to significant increases in public spending, among others, to compensate companies for the effects of the shutdown.
Czech Production Volumes Finally Overcame the Pre-Crisis Levels
Czech Production Volumes Finally Overcame the Pre-Crisis Levels
The look back at 2014 will include mainly good news. While comparing to traditional benchmark – the average performance of the European Union – the Czech GDP growth rate was significantly higher than the growth rate of the EU. The Czech economy has had a faster growth than the EU in five quarters in a row.