editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Business Urges Ukrainian Government to Improve Custom Procedures and Increase Transparency
Business Urges Ukrainian Government to Improve Custom Procedures and Increase Transparency
The Ministry of Finance proposed to reform customs in Ukraine with the aim of better transparency and predictability. The model of the reform and changes in custom procedures is currently debated between the Ministry of Finance and the representatives of the Parliament and civil society. The reform will hopefully be implemented by the end of 2017.
The Reform of VAT Rates: A Way Forward
The Reform of VAT Rates: A Way Forward
Possibility to set statutory VAT rate below 15% for a wider set of different goods and services may lead to lower effective VAT rates in various Member States. Therefore, countries, which have fewer exemptions and/or reduced rates, may maintain the same principles of taxation but lower their standard VAT rate.
Lithuania Liberalizes the Labor Code
Economy, Politics
Lithuania Liberalizes the Labor Code
On September 14, 2016, the Lithuanian Parliament endorsed a new Labour Code which will bring about the most notable changes in terms of types of employment contracts, working time and overtime regulation, annual leave, employee dismissal procedures, and the size of severance pay.