editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


IT Specialists, Regional Development
IT Specialists, Regional Development
Over the past 10 years, the Bulgarian economy has changed dramatically. The manufacturing sector is gradually shifting towards higher value added production. The number of employed in traditional industries, for instance the clothing industry and furniture manufacturing, has dropped significantly.
Economics in 31 Hours to Spread Across the Region
Think Tank News
Economics in 31 Hours to Spread Across the Region
Published in 2015 by the Lithuanian Free Market Institute, the economics textbook Economics in 31 Hours has transformed the way of teaching and learning economics in Lithuania. Already in its fifth edition, the textbook has reached over 53 thousand students in 463 secondary schools and nearly 500 teachers.
Regional Differences in Bulgaria and the EU Countries
Regional Differences in Bulgaria and the EU Countries
Bulgaria is by far not the only country where regional differences are not only significant, but are also becoming greater. There are basically no countries which manage to simultaneously increase the wealth in their poorest and richest regions, while at the same time achieving a meaningful internal convergence.