Fundacja Industrial publisher of Liberté! and Republikon Institute in cooperation with Res Publika Nowa invite You to conference “Euroscepticism – how to prevent citizens aversion to Europe?.
Project Parallel liberalisms, based on research by Republikon Institute, aims to define liberal voters of Hungary – who these liberal voters are and where they stand.
Punishing or silencing individual opinions is not acceptable, if they do not conflict with any categories of fundamental criminal law – even if they are clearly offensive or insulting to certain groups.
We wish to reveal the fact that rising Euroskepticism is threatening the achievements of European integration and weakening the cooperation of the states coping with economical and social issues.
The index measuring trust in the judicial system has significantly decreased in Hungary since the change of regime in 1989-90: people complain not only about the length and the quality of legal cases but also about high administrative costs and choking bureaucracy.
Structural and cohesion funds represent more than a third of the EU’s budget. We will only be able to assess their importance if we are aware of the economic situation of member states.
In Hungary the issue of ethnicities is a topic we can’t ignore. Stereotypes about roma are stabilized and racism is growing to considerable proportions among Hungarians. Physical abuse, violence, negative discrimination is common in the country and solutions are unknown.