editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Commonalities of Populism in Europe and The V4 Region
Commonalities of Populism in Europe and The V4 Region
Orbán, Kaczyński, Babiš, Salvini, Le Pen, Farage. Politicians from different countries, with different political affiliations, but they definitely have one thing in common: they are all populists. But how come, that one “ideology” can connect these different politicians with different political views? Well, in this article I am going to synthetize and expound these connection points in order to have the ability to forge counter-narratives.
Economics Olympiad in Slovakia: Winners of The Fourth National Finals
Think Tank News
Economics Olympiad in Slovakia: Winners of The Fourth National Finals
Despite the unfavorable situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and pandemic restrictions in 2020-2021, we were able to hold the fourth edition of the Economics Olympiad, the first comprehensive nationwide competition in economics and finance for high school students in Slovakia. What is more, we were happy to welcome a record number of high school students from all over the country to take part in the competition this year.
Carbon Rationing
Carbon Rationing
The cost of emissions reductions over the last two decades in the EU has been significant. In Slovakia alone, people pay hundreds of millions of euros a year to support renewable energy sources, with millions more going on insulation and boiler subsidies, or the development of electromobility. A significant part of the cost is hidden in higher prices for goods, as manufacturers have to buy emission allowances.
Minimum Wage, Maximum Tragedy
Minimum Wage, Maximum Tragedy
If we want to start talking about next year\'s minimum wage increase, we first need to look to the past. As we all know, 2020 was the year of the pandemic, and that brought with it, among other things, a significant downturn in the economy, and with it a fall in labor productivity. The private sector responded logically by reducing the growth in average wages. But not all businesses had this option.
Slovakia Is Launching “1 In – 2 Out” Reform
Slovakia Is Launching “1 In – 2 Out” Reform
June 2021 will go down in the history of improving the business environment in Slovakia. It has joined the countries that have introduced a system to reduce the costs of doing business, which stem from bureaucracy and other regulations. This will help Slovakia to recover from the crisis, increase business productivity, increase competitiveness and, ultimately, improve people\'s standard of living in general.
Infosecurity.sk: Bi-Weekly Report on Emerging Disinformation Trends
Infosecurity.sk: Bi-Weekly Report on Emerging Disinformation Trends
On August 10, the Slovak cabinet approved a series of changes to the COVID automat - an emotionally charged topic that had led to several anti-government protests in recent weeks. The new changes are due to come into force on August 16. They come after the last set of restrictions regarding the border regime was suspended by the Slovak Constitutional Court, giving the people who only got the 1st dose of vaccine the same rights as those who are unvaccinated.
Infosecurity.sk: Bi-Weekly Report on Emerging Disinformation Trends
Infosecurity.sk: Bi-Weekly Report on Emerging Disinformation Trends
At the end of the last month, the disinformation media began publishing articles calling for protests in front houses of well-known doctors who spoke out in favor of vaccination. Although such disinformation narratives and threats to doctors advocating vaccination have been present on the Internet for some time, they have rarely left the realms of social media and transformed into a real physical threat to the doctors.
“Politics Is for Other People”: New Liberal Movements in Central and Southeast Europe Lead Way for Future [EVENT]
Think Tank News
“Politics Is for Other People”: New Liberal Movements in Central and Southeast Europe Lead Way for Future [EVENT]
The question of whether to leave a successful career behind to enter politics and try to change the political trajectory of one\'s own country is central to the new documentary by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom – \"Politics Is for Other People\". The documentary “Politics Is for Other People” features remarkable stories of representatives of liberal parties from Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Romania, and Bulgaria.
Infosecurity.sk: Bi-Weekly Report on Emerging Disinformation Trends
Infosecurity.sk: Bi-Weekly Report on Emerging Disinformation Trends
Currently a hotly debated topic that has sparked a new wave of anti-vax conspiracy narratives is the vaccination of minors. A recent survey found that only 46% of Slovaks support vaccinating children under the age of 16 years.In his recent post, Slovak opposition politician Ľuboš Blaha who often spreads problematic content, accused the governing coalition of allowing Slovak children to become \"test subjects\".