editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Victor Orbán

South Park Politics
Politics, Society
South Park Politics
The Trump phenomenon has left analysts baffled. Who would have thought that such a clown can stand a real chance of becoming the next President of the United States? While most of the experts were still figuring out what on earth has happened, the explanation came from an unlikely source: South Park.
Why Should Hungarians Care?
Politics, Society
Why Should Hungarians Care?
Recently, the operations of the newspaper Népszabadság in Hungary were suspended. So what\'s the big deal? It was a left to centre newspaper anyway, you will read some other newspaper instead. It generated giant losses, and its numbers have plummeted – you will hear, so the private owners were right to kill it off.
Viktor Orbán’s Visegrad Plan: A New Power within the EU?
Viktor Orbán’s Visegrad Plan: A New Power within the EU?
A government-initiated referendum on European Union migrant quotas will be held in Hungary on October 2, 2016. It is a part of the Hungarian government’s campaign to use the refugee and migrant crisis (and the dissatisfaction of citizens with the EU) to gain back voter support – and it works very well.
Jobbik Faces Changes
Jobbik Faces Changes
April 20, 2016, marked the beginning of a brand new chapter in the history of the Hungarian radical right-wing party, Jobbik. The party\'s leader, Gábor Vona, declared emblematic party leaders Előd Novák, István Szávay, and István Apáti shall not run for the office of the party\'s vice president.
Hungarian Mishaps and Other Misfortunes
Politics, Society
Hungarian Mishaps and Other Misfortunes
Hungarian government started building a fence on the border with Serbia to ward the immigrants off. The construction, stretching over 170 kilometers, is not in any way a solution to the problem of immigration. All that the fence will do is manifest Hungary’s separation from Europe.
Zoltán Kész: The Liberal Who Took Away Orbán´s Supermajority
Zoltán Kész: The Liberal Who Took Away Orbán´s Supermajority
Zoltán Kész’s victory shattered the two third majority of governing party Fidesz in the parliament. Using this supermajority, the government has implemented a new constitution and new laws curtailing the freedom of speech, human rights and the power of the constitutional court since 2010. Hungary has also become fearfully friendly with Russia regardless of the growing tensions between the EU and Putin.