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4liberty.eu N E W S L E T T E R [FEBRUARY 2023]

4liberty.eu N E W S L E T T E R [FEBRUARY 2023]

The February issue of the 4liberty.eu Newsletter provides an overview of the articles published on the 4liberty.eu website, serving as a starting point for further exploration.


Eszter Nova (FNF):
Outlook for Hungary 2023
The 2022 elections changed the political landscape not in the sense that a new chapter has opened but by reinforcing the sentiment that the Orbán-regime is fully entrenched in power and cannot be removed within his own system.
Filip Blaha (CETA):
Let Politicians Pay for Consequences of Their Economic Policies
In the current situation of high inflation and large budget deficits, salary increases for politicians and central bankers alike are rightly criticised. While, because of the poor economic situation, the wages of most citizens are falling in real terms due to inflation, these high-ranking civil servants are not feeling any of the pinch.

Academy of Liberalism:
Estonia’s eGA Leading EU Project to Strengthen Ukraine’s E-Services

Estonia’s e-Governance Academy (eGA) is leading a digital transformation project in Ukraine that will improve the efficiency, security and access to public services for citizens and businesses. The project will develop services for the government e-service app Diia, improve data exchange between registers and service providers and further develop eID infrastructure.

Florentyna Martynska (Projekt: Polska):
Train Journeys Became Luxurious in Poland

Poland’s national railway system has left much to be desired in terms of quality of service, starting from the frequent delays and cancellations. However, since January 11, 2023, there has been an additional factor refraining potential customers from relying on the most environmentally friendly mode of transportation.
Economic Freedom Foundation:
Poland’s Road to Euro: Economic Freedom Foundation Takes Matters into Its Own Hands
High inflation, the war in Ukraine, violating the rule of law, and the weakening of our position in the European Union threaten the broadly understood security of Poland. “We should consider the eurozone as a somewhat ‘economic NATO’” write authors of the “Road to euro” website.

Liberte! & ELF:
Turkey ahead of Presidential Election [PODCAST]

In this episode of the Liberal Europe Podcast, Leszek Jażdżewski (Fundacja Liberté!) welcomes Melis G. Laebens, Research Fellow in Politics at Nuffield College at the University of Oxford. She holds PhD in political science from Yale University. Her research centers on democratic backsliding, political parties, and electoral behavior. They talk about the Turkish political context and the possible outcome of the presidential and general elections in 2023.