editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

4liberty.eu N E W S L E T T E R [MAY 2023]

4liberty.eu N E W S L E T T E R [MAY 2023]

The May issue of the 4liberty.eu Newsletter provides an overview of the articles published on the 4liberty.eu website, serving as a starting point for further exploration.

Reinventing Family Policies in CEE: 4liberty.eu Review No. 18 Now Available Online
We are pleased to present the eighteenth issue of 4liberty.eu Review, titled “Reinventing Family Policies in CEE?”. This time, our primary focus is on social and family policies in the region, their shortcomings, and much needed reforms.
Dominik Hejj (Projekt: Polska):
The migration crisis in 2015 posed a significant challenge for Europe. It has also become a contributor to legitimizing political action in Hungary, as well as in Poland after the parliamentary elections held in the autumn of 2015.
Dirk Assmann (Liberales Institut):
A study by the Pestel Institute and the Construction Research Institute ARGE caused a stir at the beginning of the year. According to calculations, a housing shortage of over 700,000 units could occur in Germany during this year. This would be the largest housing deficit in over twenty years.

Robert Chovanculiak (INESS):

When You Cannot Change Boat’s Course, Hand Out Lifeboats

Education is like an enormous oceanic ship where no one can change the course quickly, even if everyone can see that they are heading for an iceberg. Enough politicians have been burned in Slovakia who have taken command, announced a new course, and started turning the steering wheel, but nothing happened to the ship. I know a few seasoned sailors who have already resignedly declared education unreformable. When you can’t change the ship’s course, hand out lifeboats.
Dirk Assmann (Liberales Institut):
New possibilities in rural areas: digital tools, political decisions, and transparent administration can make the countryside an attractive place, bringing together innovation and quality of life.

Michal Przybylak (Projekt: Polska):

Will the 800+ Program Help Win Next Election in Poland?

After 8 years in power, the ruling Law and Justice party announced an increase in the benefit, raising it to PLN 800 per month per child. The proposal was immediately supported by the largest opposition party, the Civic Platform. Can Poland afford such expenditure?


Happy Tax Freedom Day from (And to) Lithuania

A person earning an average wage here had to work 4 months and 23 days just to support government spending (and it would be way more if not for inflation). Lithuanian Free Market Institute calculates this with their own tax calculator that also provides a receipt for specific spending. Tax Freedom day serves as a great opportunity to look into how out taxes are governed.


10th Edition of Freedom Games Is Coming!

We are pleased to announce that the next edition of the event will be held on September 15-17, 2023, in Lodz, with the leading topic being “Turning Point”! During the tenth anniversary edition of the Freedom Games, a new generation of experts, NGOs, business, politicians, and citizens will present a proposal for change, a way to tame uncertainty, and a prospect for the future both locally and globally.

ELF & Liberte!:

Economic Situation in Turkey on Eve of Elections [PODCAST]

In this episode, Leszek Jażdżewski welcomes Dr İrem Güçeri, Associate Professor of Economics and Public Policy at the Blavatnik School of Government. They talk about Turkey on the eve of the elections in the context of the earthquake and reconstruction, hyperinflation and its impact on the economy and society, and political and institutional instability.