editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation
Think Tank News

4liberty.eu Study Tour

Between 9th and 14th of February 2014 4liberty.eu network representatives took part in FNST Visit Program in Brussels, Stuttgart and Berlin. The aim of the program was to create the space for dialogue between liberals from think tanks from Central & Eastern Europe with representatives of liberal institutions from western cities. Among several interesting meetings our representatives: Csaba Toth (Republikon), Yavor Alexiev (IME), Blazej Lenkowski (Liberte!) took part in two panel discussions:

–          “Bulgaria, Hungary and Poland: from EUphoria to post-accession EUrealism?”; 10.02.2014, Brussels, with Julie Cantalou (European Affairs Manager). The report from the discussion can be found HERE.

–          “10 years EU enlargement – Expectations and Realities“; 12.02.2014, Stuttgart, with Judith Skudelny (Vice-President FDP Baden-Württemberg), Michael Theurer (MEP, Chair of Committee on Budgetary Control in the European Parliament), Isabel Fezer (Major of the City of Stuttgart).

Photo gallery from study tour: