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Apply for Think Tank Fundraiser Summit

Apply for Think Tank Fundraiser Summit

European Academy for Intellectual Entrepreneurs is a joint program of Lithuanian Free Market Institute and Atlas Network to identify and train talented young people for professional careers in the liberty movement in Europe.

Think Tank Fundraiser Summit

November 18-19, Vilnius, Lithuania 

The Lithuanian Free Market Institute and Atlas Network are inviting you to spend two days discussing how to best attract more financial resources for the European liberty movement.

This tailor-made summit will feature eight discussion sessions on fundraising models, practices, and looming trends for the exchange of ideas among think tank CEOs and fundraising professionals from across Europe.

Apply for this Think Tank Fundraiser Summit by filling out this form no later than October 14, 2016.


November 18-19, 2016.


Artis Centrum Hotel, Vilnius, Lithuania. Accommodation will be booked for you at the same hotel (check-in November 16; check-out November 20). We will cover the cost of hotel accommodation. You are responsible for any incidentals.


8 sessions (1.5 hour): case presentation, expert feedback, and discussion.


Think tank CEOs and senior fundraisers (over 3 years of fundraising experience required).

Fringe event

Fundraiser Summit participants will be invited to take part in a colloquium on interdisciplinary arguments on scarcity, morality and public policy to be held on November 17th.

Preliminary Program

November 18

9:30 I session | TT & high net worth wealth individuals
Discussion questions: How to make a transformation of a donor from small to big? Do we have a new generation of millionaires? How are they different?
11:00 Break
11:30 II session | TT & donor advised foundations
Discussion questions: What should you know about donor advised foundations to better understand them?
13:00 Lunch
14:00 III session | TT & endowment
Discussion questions: What are the advantages of an endowment? What are the main steps to get an endowment?
15:30 Break
16:00 IV session | TT & European foundations
Discussion questions: What is specific about European grant making foundations? Does Europe support the ideas of liberty? Is the support growing or declining?
17:30 The end

November 19

9:30 I session | TT & corporations
Discussion questions: Are corporations dangerous allies? What models of collaboration between businesses and non-profits are emerging/should emerge to support new tendencies and delivery of change?
11:00 Break
11:30 II session | TT & online fundraising
Discussion questions: What are the key drivers of successful online fundraising? How can an organisation use the entire power of the digital world to empower their major donor programme? Are you ready for a whole new world of telephone fundraising?
13:00 Lunch
14:00 III session | TT & direct mailing fundraising
Discussion questions: Is it still relevant? What are the risks of inaction by think tanks?
15:30 Break
16:00 IV session | Fundraising communication strategies
Discussion questions: How do you define the results you are working towards and how do you demonstrate progress to those who hold you accountable? How can think tanks balance flexibility and accountability? What roles do data and results-oriented fundraising play in your work? Is it changing?
17:30 The end