editorial partner: Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


ABOUT 4liberty.eu
4liberty.eu is a network of representatives of 17 liberal think tanks from Central and Eastern Europe, including Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Estonia, Lithuania, Georgia, and Germany
REVIEW #4: Radicalism in Hungary of Today
Review #4
REVIEW #4: Radicalism in Hungary of Today
The present day Hungarian radicalism is a topic worth investigating as it is often featured in the media, it frequently enters everyday conversations as well as expert debates. However, we do not even have a clear definition of the word “radicals” as it carries different connotations for different individuals.
Pensions on the Run
Policy Papers
Pensions on the Run
We have the pleasure the present you a comparative study that investigates the pensions response of the governments of three CEE countires: Slovakia, Bulgaria and Poland, in an attempt to discuss potential measures, necessary for either financial balancing of the systems or their structural changes. Enjoy your reading!