editorial partner: Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Alen Alexander Klaric

ABOUT Alen Alexander Klaric
President of Svetilnik.
Whose Interest Is Public Interest?
Whose Interest Is Public Interest?
Since personal interest is a mandatory attribute of a human life, i.e. humans a priori aim to meet their needs and follow their passions, it is unbefitting to assume that public interest exists away from the nature of human beings, for someone and in order to achieve something.
The Analysis of the Southeast Asian Peace as a Case of Succsessful Prevention of Armed Conflict and Political Competitiveness
The Analysis of the Southeast Asian Peace as a Case of Succsessful Prevention of Armed Conflict and Political Competitiveness
The Southeast Asian peace is a term denoting a relatively peaceful environment in East Asia (regarding armed conflict) in the post-Cold-War era. Due to the regional specificity, it is important to analyze which actors and factors contribute to the Southasian peace, and which – despite the absence of the security infrastructure – tend to defuse the potential armed conflicts.