editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Alicja Jakimko

ABOUT Alicja Jakimko
Vice president of Nowoczesna Youth, a liberal organization from Poland. She studies Law at the University of Warsaw.
How Do Freedom Games’ Participants View Capitalism?
How Do Freedom Games’ Participants View Capitalism?
The Economic Freedom Foundation has supported the Freedom Games for several years. At this year\'s edition, at the EFF stand, participants were able to share their reflections on capitalism. We contrasted them with the content of Capitalist Manifesto by Johan Norberg. Among those who took part in our survey, positive associations predominated: capitalism means poverty reduction, efficient accumulation of resources, and freedom.
Story of Poland’s Youngest MP: She Is Liberal Too!
Story of Poland’s Youngest MP: She Is Liberal Too!
The June 2024 EU elections had a tremendous influence on the political landscape throughout Europe. That was especially the case for Polish liberals, since after the Civic Coalition secured new European Parliament seats, the Nowoczesna Party obtained four new MPs in the Polish Sejm, including Aleksandra Kot, the youngest member of the Polish Parliament.