editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Economic Freedom Foundation

ABOUT Economic Freedom Foundation
The Economic Freedom Foundation strives to make Poland a prosperous and open country where people enjoy a high level of economic freedom and other individual liberties.
How Do Freedom Games’ Participants View Capitalism?
How Do Freedom Games’ Participants View Capitalism?
The Economic Freedom Foundation has supported the Freedom Games for several years. At this year\'s edition, at the EFF stand, participants were able to share their reflections on capitalism. We contrasted them with the content of Capitalist Manifesto by Johan Norberg. Among those who took part in our survey, positive associations predominated: capitalism means poverty reduction, efficient accumulation of resources, and freedom.
American Dream of Polish Billionaire
American Dream of Polish Billionaire
I am a classical, pro-free market liberal and I have always been closer to the Republicans than the Democrats. But in this election I had fingers crossed for Kamala Harris because she was more predictable and a better candidate from a geopolitical point of view. But if you look at it purely from a business perspective, the better option seems to be Trump.
Success So Far. Javier Milei’s First Year as President of Argentina
Success So Far. Javier Milei’s First Year as President of Argentina
December marks the first anniversary of Javier Milei\'s swearing-in as president of Argentina. This is the perfect time to summarize his most important achievements to date. When he began his term, He was an eccentric. During the election campaign, he promised the abolition of the central bank, the unilateral adoption in Argentina of the U.S. dollar as a circulating currency, and drastic cuts in spending and bureaucracy.
Industrial Policy Does More Harm Than Good
Industrial Policy Does More Harm Than Good
Many governments are interfering more and more deeply in economic processes. Protectionism is on the rise in the world. The result could be a stagnant global economy. Tadeusz Syryjczyk, Minister of Industry in Tadeusz Mazowiecki\'s government in Poland, once stated that the best industrial policy is no industrial policy.
How Sweden Quit Smoking?
Think Tank News
How Sweden Quit Smoking?
The documentary \"How Sweden Quit Smoking\" by Tomasz Agencki shows the remarkable synthesis of human creativity, innovation and personal responsibility that not only launched Sweden\'s success in smoking-related harm reduction, but also points the way for other countries around the world. Sweden\'s experience shows that alternative products that allow people to use nicotine in a safer way play a key role in this process.
What Determines Your Views?
Think Tank News
What Determines Your Views?
In July, the Polish Political Science Yearbook published an article \"Liberals Among Us\", which examines the structure and determinants of liberal attitudes in Poland. The article is based on research supported by the Economic Freedom Foundation. Why do some people support liberal ideas, while others are their fierce opponents?
What Does Poland Get Thanks to the EU? Economic Freedom Foundation’s Campaign
Think Tank News
What Does Poland Get Thanks to the EU? Economic Freedom Foundation’s Campaign
Through its public awareness campaign, the Economic Freedom Foundation hopes to raise awareness of the economic realities of EU functioning that are sometimes disregarded while also encouraging participation in the upcoming European Parliament election. President of the foundation Marek Tatala says to Polish voters: \"Vote on June 9 and don\'t let yourself be taken out of the Union.\"
Poland at Single Market: Benefits, Barriers, Reforms
Poland at Single Market: Benefits, Barriers, Reforms
The twentieth anniversary of the entry of Poland and nine other countries into the European Union is a good time to remind ourselves of the benefits associated with this. In the Economic Freedom Foundation\'s report, we focus on what is most important for the Polish and EU economies – the Single Market. More than thirty years since its creation, it can be considered a great achievement and the foundation of European economic development.
What New Polish Government Can and Should Do for Entrepreneurs
What New Polish Government Can and Should Do for Entrepreneurs
Donald Tusk outlined priorities for the Polish government for the next months. In his expose, he paid a lot of attention to entrepreneurs, promising to limit inspections of micro-entrepreneurs, introduce a cash-based personal income tax for entrepreneurs settling this tax with the tax authorities, and a vacation for entrepreneurs, i.e. one month a year free of social security contributions and a benefit of half the minimum wage.