editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Free Market Foundation

ABOUT Free Market Foundation
Hungarian think tank dedicated to classical liberal values such as free market, individual liberties and tolerance.
Make Hungary Boring Again
Make Hungary Boring Again
The rather listless race for the position of the mayor of Budapest has been disrupted by the sudden announcement of a new candidate. Democratic Coalition (DK) started backing a new player in the campaign, a well-known TV personality and journalist, Olga Kálmán.
Is Hungary Anti-Semitic?
Is Hungary Anti-Semitic?
The Hungarian government is not anti-Semitic. It is populist. Playing right into the fears of people is a typical populist strategy. It builds on the same fears as anti-Semitic campaigns do, true, but despite the same foundations, the end results are somewhart different.
Why Gaming Matters
Why Gaming Matters
Humankind is inherently attracted to games. As play is an important aspect of childhood, which adult did not look back yearning for those years? What needs emphasizing is that games, just like humankind, have evolved.
Is Santa a Communist?
Is Santa a Communist?
Let me tell you the truth about Santa Claus. If his Marx-esque appearance and red clothing weren’t an immediate giveaway, I must point blank tell you: Santa is a communist. So before you go wasting ink and paper writing your letter, hear me out.
I Dare You to Do Better
I Dare You to Do Better
I sure want to see a future where we prove again the supreme worth of the individual, where our children can stand on awe in front of new cathedrals of success. And so, despite us living in the best of times, still, I too dare you to do better.
The Evolution of a Gentleman
The Evolution of a Gentleman
This readiness for liberty and tolerance transgresses borders, languages, classes, and wealth. It enabled people to help each other, to live more peacefully, and to get richer. The evolution of the gentleman is the evolution of classical liberalism and freedom.