editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


INESS, the Institute of Economic and Social Studies, began its activities in January 2006. As an independent think tank, INESS monitors the functioning and financing of the public sector, evaluates the effects of legislative changes on the economy and society and comments on current economic and social issues.
Who Picks Cherries in Slovak Hospitals?
Who Picks Cherries in Slovak Hospitals?
The illusory truth effect is a psychological phenomenon describing the tendency to believe false information to be correct after repeated exposure. One example I can think of in Slovakia is the statement about \"cherry-picking\" in the hospital sector. Lower-tier hospitals cherry-pick the easy and profitable patients and send the rest to the larger state hospitals, which then make economic losses on them.
There Is No Such Thing as “Real Price”
There Is No Such Thing as “Real Price”
I often hear the phrases \'real price\' or \'justified price\', for example, in the question of ambulances or hospitals. They make my economic hair stand on end. It reminds me of how deeply embedded healthcare is in the price thinking of planned economics. Before 1989 in Slovakia, the whole economy was run on the principle of price. A manager in a company calculated the price of steel, plastic, and man-hours to produce one Škoda 120 car, for example.
Opportunity Cost of Learning: Is There Optimal Age to Graduate?
Opportunity Cost of Learning: Is There Optimal Age to Graduate?
The wonderful thing about economics is that it recognizes truths about the world that laypeople cannot intuitively grasp, based on simple statements about human action. Consider two concepts: opportunity costs and marginal decision-making based on marginal benefits and costs. If you really understand these two concepts, then it must seem normal to you that there is such a thing as optimal environmental pollution.
Bureaucracy Index 2024: Results Announced
Think Tank News
Bureaucracy Index 2024: Results Announced
Several existing competitiveness rankings assess factors like law enforcement, infrastructure, and tax law from a business perspective. However, these often lack an accessible, practical translation of how these factors impact the daily operations of small businesses. The Bureaucracy Index was launched in 2016 by the Institute of Economic and Social Studies (INESS) to address this gap.
Why Electric Cars Are Not Popular in Slovakia
Why Electric Cars Are Not Popular in Slovakia
I recently overheard an interview in which the irrationality of Slovaks who refuse to buy more economically advantageous electric cars was criticized. Quite often, I encounter the fact that owners of electric vehicles fail to look at this problem through the eyes of the average driver. First, it is important to realize that the average Slovak drives either a second-hand car or his old car. In September alone, 5,000 individually imported cars were registered in Slovakia.
How Russian Economy Is (Not) Doing Well
How Russian Economy Is (Not) Doing Well
Russia\'s economic landscape is under strain. In this interview, Martin Vlachynsky, an analyst from INESS, sheds light on the complexities of Russia\'s current economic policies, their implications for businesses and ordinary citizens, and how the ongoing war continues to shape the country\'s financial reality.
Slovakia’s Public Wages: Highest in V4, Exceeding EU Standards
Slovakia’s Public Wages: Highest in V4, Exceeding EU Standards
The current process of negotiating salary increases for public servants should also be seen in the context of international comparisons. Slovakia spends the most on salaries in the whole V4, not only as a share of total public administration expenditure but also as a share of GDP. In these comparisons, Slovakia spends more than the EU average.
Progressive Tax Hidden in Levies
Progressive Tax Hidden in Levies
In its program statement, the government announced its intention to increase the progressivity of personal taxation. In the budget plan, it already speaks specifically of the intention to \"introduce 3rd and 4th personal income tax rates from 2025,\" which is expected to increase public revenues by EUR 78 million. A 3rd rate of 30% is to apply to annual personal income above EUR 80 000.
Every STEM Should Have Woman Lining
Every STEM Should Have Woman Lining
The EU recently adopted a directive to tackle the gender pay gap by introducing new bureaucratic obligations for employers. Similarly, the EU is pushing on other issues in the fight for gender equality, for example in the area of the low proportion of women in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) subjects, which reaches 33%. Consequently, women make up the same proportion (33%) of employees in technical sectors.