editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Juraj Karpis

ABOUT Juraj Karpis
Juraj Karpiš is co-founder and member of INESS. He completed the Faculty of Management at Comenius University in Bratislava with focus on financial management. Before his work at INESS he was employed in various commercial financial institutions in Slovakia and abroad. He focuses on monetary policy, public finance and healthcare system.
Starting New Life (in Slovakia) with Coronavirus
Starting New Life (in Slovakia) with Coronavirus
Slovakia is not Wuhan. Slovakia is not even Bratislava alone. The optimal solution for the capital is different from the one for Pribylina (a small village in Slovakia). Closing a country like ours, where half of the population lives in the countryside, is a comfortable waiver of responsibility by those in charge.
Macron’s Agenda: A Common Market with Borders
Macron’s Agenda: A Common Market with Borders
French President Emmanuel Macron has embarked on a mission to Central and Eastern Europe with a strange idea. He lobbies for a directive to shorten the stay and to increase the salaries of our posted workers, from the minimum wage level, to salaries equal up to the level of French or German employees in the sector.
Tom the Cat, Chinese Poultry Houses, and Bad Money
Tom the Cat, Chinese Poultry Houses, and Bad Money
Many other Western entertainment producers have also found their new homes in Chinese industrial enterprises. The movie studio which produced the Dark Knight trilogy was bought by a real estate magnate from Beijing for $3.5 billion. Since 2015, up to 70% of acquisitions of gaming companies reportedly have a Chinese buyer.
He Really Did Jump!
He Really Did Jump!
This is what my brother reportedly said right after I left the airplane on the paragliding course. The UK referendum was a similar surprise. It could have been expected, nevertheless I did not expect it. Supposedly, you cannot even slow down when riding the integration bicycle.
Robots To Take Our Jobs
Robots To Take Our Jobs
A robot called Baxter truly exists. It takes him one hour to learn simple repetitive movements and then it is able to repeat them with objects which weight no more than 10 kilograms. Baxter costs 22 thousand US dollars. It is less than work costs of one employee with average salary in Slovakia for two years.
Iceland’s Bank Revolution
Iceland’s Bank Revolution
Iceland does not have much chance to go wrong. The current system is sufficiently large a disaster to require trying something else. They experienced capital controls, hyperinflation and there are financial crisis on average every 15 years. The currency suffers from chronic degradation. It would be nice to take a chance on an experiment in a country where the changes of a poorly performing financial system cannot be impeded by too powerful bankers and politicians.
Social Progress – Doing It the German Way
Social Progress – Doing It the German Way
With Germany at long last imposing a nation-wide wage floor, the country’s slowly conforming to the rest of Europe. Come the crisis and the erstwhile ‘Sick Man of Europe’ became the continent’s economic valedictorian. Extremely low (for European standards) unemployment rate cemented the make-believe caprice that it would work.
Deflation is Evil!
Deflation is Evil!
Perceiving deflation through the prism of an unmitigated disaster is today as unassailable as motherhood. Over the course of the past week, three different media outlets asked three INESS analysts to give their take on the “perils” of falling prices for the European economy.
Modern Jánošíks – Fiat Euro! 33/2012
Economy, Politics
Modern Jánošíks – Fiat Euro! 33/2012
Jánošík wasn’t Polish, he was Spanish! Two registered transactions at the commercial real estate markets in Italy in the second quarter. Did Angela soften after holidays? How Danica invests. Do you have peas in the freezer? And euros? When the children don’t want to leave home…  New hero in Spain is emerging. Spanish Jánošík. Juan […]