editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Juraj Karpis

ABOUT Juraj Karpis
Juraj Karpiš is co-founder and member of INESS. He completed the Faculty of Management at Comenius University in Bratislava with focus on financial management. Before his work at INESS he was employed in various commercial financial institutions in Slovakia and abroad. He focuses on monetary policy, public finance and healthcare system.
Grexit at the Gates! – Fiat Euro! 19/2012
Economy, Politics
Grexit at the Gates! – Fiat Euro! 19/2012
Voters decided if they still want to live on others‘ money. Savings or growth? A false dilemma with irresistible sex appeal to politicians. The Golden Dawn in Greece. Why Hugh Hendry is concerned about his assets in Europe? In Spain thr nationalization of banks‘ debts is launched – will they manage to break record annual deficit […]
Fiat Euro! 14/2012
Fiat Euro! 14/2012
Europe promised even more money which it doesn’t have, Spain promises painful cuts, Slovakia higher taxes. Euro Bill keeps increasing, we will pray for its rescue and just 11-year-old Dutch children want to expropriate Greeks.  We will start this week rather gloomily. On Wednesday morning an older man, former pharmacist  Dimitris Christoulas, committed suicide by […]
Fiat Euro! 13/2012
Fiat Euro! 13/2012
Why the zombie banks aren’t stressed by stress testing, about Austrian Japanese, and about how difficult life the Spanish banks and especially Spanish bankers have. And that Trichet, even though he uses bad economic theories and non- functioning economic models, doesn’t regret anything. When it comes to solving the crisis in Europe, many people use […]
Fiat Euro! 12/2012
Fiat Euro! 12/2012
Why not to believe door-to-door sellers, central bankers; which European country is the closest to a default,how Italians save money  on food to sendpayments to the investment bank Morgan Stanley thanks to their clever politicians, and finally about really clean money.By the way, do you have a chicken at home already? Mario Draghi, president of ECB, […]
Fiat Euro! 10/2012
Fiat Euro! 10/2012
This week about how FED doesn’t want to leave alone the “Print” button and what you can go to jail in Argentina for. In Europe, we will have a look at the biggest default in the history, hope that German Luftwaffe won’t take off, we mention Iron Lady and make fun of the new title […]
Fiat Euro! 09/2012
Fiat Euro! 09/2012
This week about Big Berta, Stiglitz’ duel with bad speculators, why Greece needs planning commissioners and about open hunting season for bad news messengers in the European Parliament. The second round of three-year tender loans of the European Central Bank (according to ECB President Mario Draghi so-called “Big Bertha”) flooded the system with 529.5 bln […]
Fiat Euro! 08/2012
Fiat Euro! 08/2012
About good news from Iceland, the next act of Greek drama, Spanish ghost city, Presidential poetry and tough love in Europe. We have good news for you. Iceland is not junk anymore. Iceland is a country whose credit rating, unlike in the rest of Europe, started to rise. Why is it important? Iceland has done what […]