editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


The Lithuanian Free Market Institute (LFMI) is a private non-profit non-partisan organisation established in 1990 to promote the ideas of individual freedom and responsibility, free market, and limited government.
Facts and Analysis: Tailoring Work and Leisure Trade-Off
Facts and Analysis: Tailoring Work and Leisure Trade-Off
The EU sets minimum levels of regulation with respect to working hours. The research shows that the countries tend to comprehensively follow the set EU standards with regard to the maximum duration of work during the day, minimum periods of rest, and some aspects of annual leave.
Position on <i>Equal Pay for Equal Work</i>
Position on Equal Pay for Equal Work
Under EU legislation, Member States are required to abolish any legal provisions contrary to the principle of equal treatment and have to introduce measures that would facilitate getting legal remedies in cases of alleged violations of equal treatment.
LFMI Holds Second Nation-Wide Economics Exam
Think Tank News
LFMI Holds Second Nation-Wide Economics Exam
On March 27, 2019, the Lithuanian Free Market Institute (LFMI) ran the second edition of the National Economics Exam. Aimed at promoting economic literacy and the relevance of economics education, the exam is intended for all citizens interested in measuring their knowledge of economics.