The Lithuanian Free Market Institute has launched a unique interactive teaching platform for teachers of economics at This one-of-a-kind platform in Lithuania that encompasses a variety of features including video lessons, interactive tasks, a dictionary of economic terminology and other practical material is a part of LFMI’s brand new textbook on economics – Economics in 31 Hours.

May 1, 2014 – A new recast of the Law on the Acquisition of Agricultural Land in the Republic of Lithuania1 (hereinafter referred to as “LAAL”), also known as the land “safeguards” law, has taken effect. The law stipulates provisions that limit the right to freely operate in the agricultural market by restricting agricultural land purchase and sale transactions.

While the European Union is pursuing regulation and centralisation and European economies continue to grapple with the crisis, on May 7, the Lithuanian Free Market Institute (LFMI) hosted an international conference “Austerity without reforms – economies without growth” in Vilnius, Lithuania. The conference was organised in cooperation with the Austrian Economic Center and the Friedrich Naumann Foundation as a part of the Free Market Road Show 2015.

Mes, toliau pasirašę keturiolika viešosios politikos analizės centrų ir 4Liberty tinklo narių iš aštuonių Rytų ir Vidurio Europos šalių, raginame Europos Parlamentą, Europos Tarybą, Europos Komisiją ir ES valstybių narių parlamentus grįsti savo sprendimus tik tyrimų išvadomis ir ekonominiais duomenimis bei pritarti TTIP susitarimui ir jos elementams, įskaitant susitarimą dėl investuotojų ir valstybių ginčų sprendimo.