editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Mario Blascak

ABOUT Mario Blascak
Mário Blaščák works as an analyst at World Business Press online agency www.wbponline.com.
Mr. Euro-Bond
Mr. Euro-Bond
Will Germany open its arms to the call from new French leader Francois Hollande for growth supporting measures instead of pure austerity imposed by the Sarkozy-Merkel duo? That was the key question at the European Union summit held in Brussels last week. Taking a decisive step in ramping up the European effort for containing for the […]
Drama and Chaos
Drama and Chaos
As finance ministers sat together at the Ecofin meeting last week, the future of the Eurozone was at stake, with Greek political deadlock casting a shadow of darkness over its own euro existence. Greek President Karolos Papoulias was going to ask politicians last Tuesday to stand aside and let a technocratic government be formed to […]
When Wen Leaves
When Wen Leaves
As Wen Jiabao walks into the press conference room, lights focus on him and the applause accompanies his steps. Then, with his voice slightly cracking he said: “Journalist friends, this will be my last National People’s Congress press conference“. Wen Jiabao is the sixth serving prime minister of the People’s republic of China and ranks […]