editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Martin Vlachynsky

ABOUT Martin Vlachynsky
Since 2012, a member of INESS. He graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Administration at Masaryk University in Brno (the Czech Republic), and earned master degree on the University of Aberdeen (UK). He used to work several years as a web marketing and social networks specialist. His field of interest envelopes economic policies, regulation, and health care
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The London-based think tank - the Institute of Economic Affairs - now runs a competition in developing the best plan for the eventual British exit.
Burnt, But Not Warmed
In Britain, there is a long-term discourse on the issue of setting a boundary to the power concentration in Brussels. This discussion will probably lead to a referendum on leaving the EU.
In Two Years, from Brussels
The Greek nationalist party Golden Dawn became a subject of another scandal when one of its members shouted Heil Hitler! in Greek Parliament. Nevertheless, its popularity is growing and the last poll showed 11,5% support. Kind of difficult to understand it since the Greek nation suffered from one of the hardest Nazi occupations in non-Soviet Europe; but democracy brings also surprises like this.
The financial crisis has been with us for six years and counting. The symptoms don’t change - growing unemployment, low or even stifled economic growth, the same ineffective measures adopted by governments and central banks.