editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Matus Posvanc

ABOUT Matus Posvanc
Director of the Slovak F.A. Hayek Foundation.
Alphabet of Liberalism: Competition
Alphabet of Liberalism: Competition
“Do you know what the driving force behind economic progress is and that we are getting a little better all the time?” Is it scientific knowledge? Technological progress? Are entrepreneurs behind it? New investments? Or a combination of all of these? One process is behind all these reasons. Competition
Parable of Broken Window as Public Policy Principle
Parable of Broken Window as Public Policy Principle
Imagine the owner of a candy store, whose window is broken by boys playing football. People run around the scene of the accident, pitty the owner and blame and rebuke the naughty. Nevertheless, there are some people among the crowd who say that a broken window also has its bright economic side. A broken window means work for the window maker. For the money he earns he can now buy bread, for example. That\'s how the baker has a job.
What Does “Globalization” Mean?
What Does “Globalization” Mean?
You have probably noticed that the world \"globalization\" evokes passions and even protests. \"The rich become richer and the poor are poorer!\" shout some of protesters. \"Globalization causes the loss of national culture and identity,\" is shouted by others. But is globalization really dangerous? Does it need to be slowed down or regulated?