editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

More Liberal Voices

ABOUT More Liberal Voices
More Liberal Voices is a project coordinated by the Lithuanian Free Market Institute (LFMI). Through this project we aspire to advance the liberal agenda in the EU decision-making process and to give an organized voice to liberal solutions by submitting rigorous analysis and responses to some key areas of public policy of the European Union. By pooling together the expert and advocacy capacities of the liberal-minded think-tanks in the 4Liberty network, we seek to multiply the outreach, visibility and impact of these groups in driving liberal policies in the EU agenda
Effects of Tobacco Taxation
Effects of Tobacco Taxation
Taxation of tobacco products raises severe economic and social concerns which should be taken into account when formulating further tobacco taxation policies, including on novel tobacco products. Increased education rather than higher excise duties should be the main policy.
On Review of SME Definition
On Review of SME Definition
The definition of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is an important issue, regarding not only a number of European policies that have been set up to ensure these SMEs benefit from financial support, fee reduction, reduced administrative burden, etc.