editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Tomasz Kaminski

ABOUT Tomasz Kaminski
Tomasz Kaminski – adjunct at Faculty of International and Political Studies University of Lodz, associate with Liberté!
How to Understand Brexit Deal
How to Understand Brexit Deal
Politicians using bluff and masquerade have been unmasked, and leaving the EU turns out to be a humiliation for Britain, not a triumph. Promises of a quick and favorable divorce from the EU for Great Britain – what a surprise – did not work out.
Why Do I Care About How Poland Is Perceived Abroad?
Politics, Society
Why Do I Care About How Poland Is Perceived Abroad?
Whether we like it or not, getting closer to Budapest means not only drifting away from Berlin and Brussels, but also from Washington. The political position of Poland in the world states its power in Europe. But a strong position in Europe shouldn’t be built in a way that the Law and Justice does it. In such way, you can only lose this position.
Safety Nets for Poland: Donald Tusk and European Commission
Safety Nets for Poland: Donald Tusk and European Commission
With the president who is not willing to perform his duties as the guardian of the Constitution, it seems that it is thanks to the EU membership that there is still a kind of a safety net for Poland. Joining the EU back in 2004 now, in the light of the government that has set out to question the basic principles of European democracy, may prove a real lifesaver.
Polish Lemmings Are Pissed Off
Polish Lemmings Are Pissed Off
The mass scale of the social response to what Law and Justice is doing, the Committee for the Defence of Democracy, which within two days gathered over 30,000 supporters may be just a preview of a massive political force that shall defend the rule of law, its sense of belonging to Europe and liberal democracy which it deems indispensable, or even \'holy\'.