editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Tomasz Kasprowicz

ABOUT Tomasz Kasprowicz
Obtained a PhD in finance at the Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Co-owner of an IT company: Gemini. Cooperates with Liberté! magazine.
Expensive Rule of Law and Justice
Economy, Politics
Expensive Rule of Law and Justice
About PLN 60 billion in spending and (in the beast case scenario) PLN 10 billion in extra revenue. PLN 40 billion of deficit. It seems that Poland can go broke within the forthcoming year. The question is whether Law and Justice (PiS) intends to sink the country or maybe Beata Szydło’s cabinet is designed to withdraw from the promises and fail so that Jarosław Kaczyński may step in and save the day?
What Can We Learn from the CIA Report?
What Can We Learn from the CIA Report?
It appears that if back then, CIA ordered them to insert their fingers into a paper shredder, they would gladly do that in accordance with this unconditional trust. Unfortunately, the consequences of such a behaviour may be far more serious than the Texas paper shredder massacre.
Correct Premises, Wrong Conclusions
The Economic Council to the Prime Minister of Poland has published its comments about the changes in the Open Pension Fund (OFE). Because the professors have subscribed to them, we cannot say that they are another act of audacity, but quite a reasonable analysis. The only problematic thing is the fact that from correctly diagnosed premises, the professors draw quite puzzling conclusions, which are difficult to agree with.